Unlock Your Optimal Physical, Mental & Emotional Well-being with Smartwell™ Performance

Performance Enhancements, Brain Testing & Training and accelerated Injury recovery times for Athletes of all levels.


35% of elite athletes suffer from mental health issues leading to poor performance, burn-out, depression or anxiety (1)

Get a competitive edge. Unlock your optimal brain, physical, mental & emotional well-being to take your game to the next level.

The Smartwell™ Performance Difference

Meet Karim our CEO & Head of Product R&D

Daily life's challenges trigger hidden reactions and create tiny stressors that disrupt the flow of essential oxygen, energy, and nutrients in your body. These disruptions affect your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

These disruptions can lead to a decrease in the optimal functioning of your body, mind, and emotions. Common solutions like talk therapy, mindset coaching, apps, and programs fall short in addressing the root causes and lasting impact of cumulative stress.

Conventional brain testing methods are often expensive, invasive, and lack accuracy, making them inaccessible to many. These methods fail to detect subtle changes in brain function, preventing us from understanding and treating conditions effectively.

Traditional brain recovery programs often overlook functional brain testing and struggle to restore optimal brain neuro-metabolism, along with addressing the underlying fascia and emotional blockages. This oversight results in prolonged recovery times and continued challenges in brain function and physical performance.

Elevate Your Athletic Program

Smartwell Performance’s innovative wellness technology platform delivers transformative performance-enhancement wellness protocols suitable for athletes at all levels.

It's time to reclaim your strength and find your Flow! -Karim

Who we work with:

Along with our friends & partners, we're here to empower athletes of all levels, helping you enhance your biology, master emotional control, de-stress, rest, recover, perform, and thrive.

What is Smartwell Performance?

Smartwell™ Performance is a monthly subscription service that uses a fully integrated, wearable health technology platform & performance-enhancing wellness protocol innovations that have been combined nowhere else.

Proven neuroscience and technology tools that deliver outstanding results:

From its FDA-listed functional brain testing/training device (with 100+ publications & 20+ years of neuroscience), and Neurofeedback training approach with 700+ studies, to its novel brain stimulation technology with 6,000+ studies (and much more), Smartwell Neuro only uses proven science and technology to deliver robust results.

Brain Functional Testing/Training:

Smartwell Performance uses state-of-the-art cognitive brain health and functional training routines that target the 8 essential brain health and performance building blocks (Speed, Focus, Accuracy, Sequencing, Timing Perception, Neuroplasticity and Connectivity).

Brain Stimulation for Metabolic Performance

Smartwell Performance kits come with a light stimulation headset (Photobiomodulation) that delivers robust metabolic, performance-enhancement stimulation by Improving brain oxygenation & mitochondria function to boost brain energy levels, processing and healing capacity.

Fascia Tuning Tools for Peak Fluid Movement Performance

Once your brain is trained and ready for action, our tune-up tools & priming routines deliver target fascia release to your brain and body to improve your fluid movement, stress release and healing capacity so that you can bring your game on and accelerate your mental & physical recovery times.

Featured & Trusted

Enhance your biology & accelerates your natural ability to master emotional control, de-stress, rest, recover, Perform & Thrive.

Resilience Training for Peak Performance.

Experience radical, improvements to brain functions & emotional governance, while accelerating your body’s natural ability to de-stress, heal, perform & thrive.

Each Smartwell™ Performance subscription delivers a fully integrated, expert-guided, performance-enhancing, holistic wellness therapeutic training experience that has been combined nowhere else.

Each week you will learn a game-changing technique. How it works, its impact on your biology (the science) then get a daily graduating program (which gets harder as the week progresses) along with live group practices to gain a deeper understanding and hone in your practical skills.

With just 20 minutes per day, this self-transformation method will train you to master the art of presence and your natural ability to thrive amidst stress & uncertainty.

SmartWell Neuro Performance Service:*

*Requires Purchase of Hardware Kit

  • Experience therapies combined nowhere else. From Fascia Maneuvers to Breathwork classes and a variety of guided stress-reducing & flow-state-inducing meditation methods, we train you in the world's leading modalities. Experience our collective ancestral wisdom, elevated by neuroscience, positive psychology and advanced subconscious-level practices.

    Reach a deep, subconscious flow state that allows you to easily & naturally let go of the dis-ease, stress, pain, thoughts, feelings, memories, habits, emotions, energetic & relationship cords that are blocking the life force from flowing into your mind, body & spirit.

  • At-home functional brain & f-NIR Neurofeedback training are evidenced based approached that when combined are able to retrain your brain for optimal metabolic functions while enhancing your Reaction Speed & Decision-making times, Focus, Accuracy, Brain Placity and more!

  • Our personalized, Data Drive, photo biomodulation stimulation program helps you to Improve brain oxygenation & mitochondria functions

Get Smart Wellness Training for Peak Performance & Brain Recovery.

What our BETA Testers as Saying:

“It’s like having a Jarvis in your pocket.”

— Jeff L. -London UK

“The @ Home Neurofeedback Brain Training is so easy, I put on my muse headband, pick Netflix or Youtube & watch as my brain trains up on its stress reduction, decision-making, and impulse controls, it’s crazy how fast it’s changed me. Thank you”

— Marisa A-Toronto CAN

“I’m only on week 2 of the program. I’ve always had a hard time meditating, my mind can’t stop thinking of work, but these guided meditations & breathwork practices are very easy to follow & are really helping me to get into a very deep relaxed state I’ve never experienced anything like it. I feel blessed you chose me to Beta test this program”

— Andrea M. Toronto CAN

Your physical, mental, and emotional well-being is within reach. Don't let stress hold you back; take the first step towards a better you with Smartwell Neuro

The Smartwell Guarantee

We stand by our promise: If you're not getting substantial performance enhancements or quality-of-life upgrades, we will refund your purchase.

Book a Free Consultation and embark on your journey to a healthier, happier you today!