Tailor-made for Your Brain Get Better Focus & Calm with MindFIT.

Unlock your optimal physical, mental & emotional well-being with MindFIT.


In a world where stress affects 70% of people, where focus and concentration troubles 50%, we bring you MindFIT – a lifeline to reclaim your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Understanding ADHD and the Need for Wellness Support

What is ADHD?

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and lack of impulse control. It typically starts in childhood and may persist into adulthood.

Prevalence and Co-occurring Conditions:

ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in children and often coexists with other conditions like learning disabilities, anxiety disorders, and depression, complicating diagnosis and treatment.

Impact on Academic Performance:

Students with ADHD often face challenges in academic settings, including difficulties with attention, concentration, organization, and impulse control, impacting their overall well-being.

How ADHD is being Treated by Traditional Approaches

Therapy and Training Approaches

Common therapies include a combination of behavioural therapy, parent training, behavioural interventions, and social skills training, which are all valuable coping or condition management skill sets, yet these fail to affect the deep neurological dysregulation of the brain and autonomic nervous system (related to emotions).

Medications are often prescribed:

Most students end up being treated with powerful stimulant drugs such as Ritalin (methylphenidate) and non-stimulants such as Strattera (Atomoxetine) to target neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain.

The reality is that these pharmaceuticals are designed to treat the symptoms (not the deep root cause) and deliver temporary symptom relief by altering a child’s natural brain chemistry in significant ways.

The potential side effects of these drugs include: psychotic episodes, cardiovascular complications, stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, constipation, tiredness, loss of appetite/weight loss, dry mouth, dizziness, drowsiness, trouble sleeping, decrease in sexual ability/desire, menstrual cramps or missed/irregular periods and severe psychological addiction which can lead to future bio-chemical dependencies.

Is this what really want for our children?

Introducing MindFIT:

Transform their lives with Just 30 minutes of daily training with MindFIT

Meet Karim our CEO & Head of R&D

MindFIT Origins:

MindFIT is the result of over a decade of intense research and development. Initially designed to improve the quality of life and functional performance of those with challenging neurological conditions like Autism Spectrum Disorders and Alzheimer's, MindFIT now offers a breakthrough solution for parents who are facing the ADHD challenge and are seeking an empowering wellness approach.

Personalized Brain Training & Resilience Program:

MindFIT is a breakthrough non-medical/pharmaceutical, smart wellness service that utilizes neuroscience and technology-assisted brain training, combined with wearable technology (optional), to offer a fully integrated, expert-guided resilience training experience tailored to individual biology.

Everybody and every brain is different. MindFIT scans, analyzes and customizes itself to your unique biology, while it trains you on every level – from the cognitive, physical,  emotional and subconscious levels of being.

It's like having a personal trainer who gets to know you by reading your brain and giving you just the right amount of training every time so that you can gradually change and improve your quality of life and performance over time.

The MindFIT Training Experience

MindFIT uses proven neuroscience, technology and evidence-based methods such as Neurofeedback brain training which has 50+ years of research and 700+ studies proving its ability to improve focus and calm. Yet approaches like Neurofeedback remain costly while requiring weekly clinical visits for months at a time. After years of R&D, we’ve successfully integrated advanced neuroscience with the most promising technologies and methods and are finally making them affordable & accessible for home use via the MindFIT subscription service.

Precision Brain Training:

With real-time neurofeedback training, MindFIT ensures precise and effective skill-building, enhancing resilience amidst stress and uncertainty. Using MindFIT is incredibly easy – just put on our brain-sensing headband and train while enjoying Netflix, YouTube, Disney Plus, or even control games with your mind.

Resilience Training:

MindFIT employs a multi-modal resilience training approach, incorporating breathwork, fascia release, mindfulness, meditation, and more to enhance well-being comprehensively. Each week, you'll learn a new technique, understand the science behind it, and receive a daily program to seamlessly integrate it into your life. Join our live group practices, connect with like-minded individuals, and become part of a supportive community where you can learn and grow. With just 30 minutes a day, your child will master presence and thrive in the face of stress and uncertainty.

Wearable Technology:

MindFIT's optional wearable devise further enhances the experience by delivering soothing vibrations, promoting focus, stress reduction, relaxation, and mood improvement, quite literally helping to transform how your child feels.

Regular Assessments and Progress Monitoring.

Regular Monthly Brain and Resilience performance assessments enable us to measure the program’s impact and make intelligent, personalized, evidence-based, adjustments while tracking progress throughout the training process, ensuring optimal results.

Includes Training Headset & Unlimited Training + Free Shipping

Our focus wearable device is optional and can be purchased for an additional cost.

Uplift your Mind with Neurofeedback

How Neurofeedback Training works:

Brain activity

Electrical signals generated in the brain can reflect your current mental state. We use EEG to measure this brain activity in real-time.

Brain decomposition

The training headset separates the raw brain activity into distinct brainwaves that may be associated with a particular mental state. For example, alpha brainwaves usually signify a relaxed state.

Personalized training

After an assessment, your Neuro Coach will create an individualized plan with a custom neurofeedback protocol given your current mental state and goals. For example up-training alpha and down-training high beta

Mental training

Train your brain by playing specialized games or watching videos. When your brainwaves are in the target range, you will advance in the game or have a crisper viewing experience.

Includes Training Headset & Unlimited Training + Free Shipping

Neurofeedback as seen on the popular Netflix show, Quarterback

Learn how the Professional Athletes use Neurofeedback for peak sports performance.

Join Kirk Cousins and others who use Neurofeedback for a sharper mind

Discover how NFL Quarterbacks use Neurofeedback to achieve peak performance.

What they are experiencing:


72% report better focus and clarity and 71% report having better emotional regulation.

50% improved engagement

27% Improved attention (meaning that during a 7-hour school day a student could have 3.65 more hours of sustained attention).


90% reported immediate stress relief & 78% are more calms after our Resilience Training

77% felts they had better handle on their stress from regular training.


20% improvement in sleep quality relative to a control group.

Your Smartwell MindFIT Subscription:

  • We use comfortable EEG Neurofeedback training headband to help retrain your brain for optimal performance, focus, reaction & decision-making times, accuracy, and brain plasticity while improving sleep, pain relief & more. (requires headband).

  • Experience therapies combined nowhere else. From Fascia Maneuvers to Breathwork classes and a variety of guided stress-reducing & flow-state-inducing meditation methods, we train you in the world's leading modalities. Experience our collective ancestral wisdom, elevated by neuroscience, positive psychology and advanced subconscious-level practices.

    Reach a deep, subconscious flow state that allows you to easily & naturally let go of the dis-ease, stress, pain, thoughts, feelings, memories, habits, emotions, energetic & relationship cords that are blocking the life force from flowing into your mind, body & spirit.

  • Building on the previous day's sessions, the fully guided graduating schedule allows you to level-up one step a time.

    Journaling prompts and quizzes will integrate learnings into your lived experiences, measuring your cognitive understanding and transforming it into wisdom.

  • We deliver bi-weekly insight into your neurofeedback training performance and progress with cognitive assessments, brain maps and EEG assessments.

  • Real people will help you along your journey. A coach is assigned to keep you on track and provide guidance.

    Live weekly group sessions and our thriving self-transformation network will connect you with like-minded individuals, creating a community where you can learn and grow.

  • Full access to exclusive events including expert panels, virtual meetups, first in line access to retreats and seminars.

Includes Training Headset & Unlimited Training + Free Shipping

How it works:

STEP #1 Sing Up

Click on the Sing up button below to get started.

STEP #2 Program Set Up:

Once you have signed up we’ll set you up for your first month of training by ordering and having your MidFIT training kit shipped directly to your home.

Once it arrives, you meet with your MindFIT coach for an initial consultation where we walk you through the set-up process and capture your base brain scans to tailor your personalized brain training program for your unique needs.

You kick-start week #1 by starting your Resilience Training Program and signing up for your first Group Training Class (for mind and body)

STEP #3 Regular Check Ups

Depending on your program, you will have monthly check-ins to assure you that you’re on the right track to feeling better and perform better

Includes Training Headset & Unlimited Training + Free Shipping

What our BETA Testers are Saying:

@ Home Neurofeedback Brain Training is so easy, I put on my muse headband, pick Netflix or Youtube & watch as my brain trains up on its stress reduction, decision-making, and impulse controls, it’s crazy how fast it’s changed me. Thank you”

— Marisa A-Toronto CAN

“I’m only on week 2 of the program. I’ve always had a hard time meditating, my mind can’t stop thinking of work, but these guided meditations & breathwork practices are very easy to follow & are really helping me to get into a very deep relaxed state I’ve never experienced anything like it. I feel blessed you chose me to Beta test this program”

— Andrea M. Toronto CAN

"I need a high level of sustained focus throughout the workday for my job. This program has helped me to increase my focus on tasks and reduce my anxiety at the same time."

-Kerri CAN

“For the first time in 30 years, my Neuropathy Pain is completely gone and I DID THIS!”

-Pau S -Calgary Alberta CAN

“I am finally able to sleep through the night”

-Sylvia C- Atlanta Georgia USA

Your physical, mental, and emotional well-being is within reach. Don't let stress hold you back; take the first step towards a better you with MindFIT.

The Smartwell Guarantee

We stand by our promise: If you're not getting substantial performance enhancements or quality-of-life upgrades, we will refund your purchase.

Book a Free Consultation and embark on your journey to a healthier, happier you today!